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The Hearts Rise Up Podcast

Inspire and empower your conscious evolution through conversations and guest interviews to help you elevate your state of mind, your life, and the world. Listen to compelling, heart-based discussions and insights on life challenges that open the door to self-discovery, expanded awareness, and self-mastery.

We’re here to inspireempower, and be a catalyst for your evolution. Tap into your inner wisdom, make the most of your life journey, help you discover your true nature, and rise to your heart-centered Higher SelfExplore new ways of thinking, feeling, seeing, and being in the world. Extract wisdom and share it with others.

Together we can rise to a higher level of consciousness, a more constructive state of being, and experience more love, joy, and happiness in life.

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“Best Wisdom Podcast”

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Ep. 41 – “Becoming Aware of Awareness”

Jonathan Robinson is a psychotherapist, best-selling author of 14 books, and a professional speaker from Northern California. He has reached over 200 million people worldwide with his practical methods, and his work is available in 47 languages. In today’s podcast, Carol interviews Jonathan to learn more about his take on awareness and meditation and the importance of being able to access peace, happiness, and love through an awareness method that works for you.

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Ep. 40 – Music: A Bridge For Healing and Expanded Awareness

In this interview, Flicka Rahn, shares her extensive research into music and sound as a vehicle for healing and creating harmony. We can all be more aware of the music and sounds around us and how we resonate or feel repelled by them. She provides some enlightening examples. Flicka is an internationally known vocal performer, composer, teacher, author, and sound therapist, She is also a distinguished Academician.

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