
New Episodes

The Hearts Rise Up Podcast

Inspire and empower your conscious evolution through conversations and guest interviews to help you elevate your state of mind, your life, and the world. Listen to compelling, heart-based discussions and insights on life challenges that open the door to self-discovery, expanded awareness, and self-mastery.

We’re here to inspireempower, and be a catalyst for your evolution. Tap into your inner wisdom, make the most of your life journey, help you discover your true nature, and rise to your heart-centered Higher SelfExplore new ways of thinking, feeling, seeing, and being in the world. Extract wisdom and share it with others.

Together we can rise to a higher level of consciousness, a more constructive state of being, and experience more love, joy, and happiness in life.

Listen to an episode and find out why Feedspot has named us a

“Best Wisdom Podcast”

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Ep. 63 – Releasing Emotional & Mental Blocks For Permanent Breakthroughs – With Micaela Passeri

In this interview, Micaela Passeri shares her journey to releasing emotional and mental blocks for permanent breakthroughs and what led to this mission to help others. Based on her own experience, she discusses the many different modalities and tools to help her clients expand, evolve, and transform their lives – both in business and personally. 

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Ep. 62 – Journey To Simplicity – With Kay Newton

Kay is passionate about simplicity. She says “Midlife Simplicity is often hard to find. Midlife is a time of grief, overwhelm and worry which impacts your well-being. The loss of past roles or relationships also creates uncertainty. Whether you are navigating a looming empty nest or deciding what to do when your parents die and all the issues in between, don’t let them take you by surprise!”

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Ep. 59 – Leaning Into Love and Nature – An Interview With Heath Armstrong

In this interview, Heath explains how his life started turning around after waking up face-down-pants-down in his garage during a rock-bottom breakdown. He began interviewing 100+ creative entrepreneurs and adopting their strategies. He also had the help of a few magical strangers. Heath shares some of the tips and techniques that have helped him live with a sense of rebirth every day.  Living in tune with Nature, surrendering expectations, having a morning routine and “leaning into love and letting his heart rise up”.  

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Ep. 57 – Turn Your “Money Monster” Into A “Money Honey” – With Morgana Rae

Join us in this interview with Morgana Rae, money relationship expert and 20-time international #1 best-selling author of Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation. She is regarded as the world’s #1 authority on the relationship with money. In this episode, she describes her frustrating early experiences with money due to her “superpowers of money revulsion.”

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Ep. 55 – Journey From Self-Sabotage to Self-Mastery – With Dylan Charles

Dylan Charles is a self-described “battered soul” who found his way from self-sabotage to self-mastery by being open to his inner wisdom and seizing on opportunities to increase his knowledge and take action to improve his life and the lives of those around him.

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