The Hearts Rise Up Blog
In this blog, you’ll find posts and articles, how-to’s, tips, and stories to help you dig deeper into self-discovery and expand your awareness; elevate to a higher level in your own personal and spiritual growth. Includes our Occupy Sanity Tool (OST) series monthly.
Gratitude 2.0: A Habit To Turbo-Charge Your Happiness
Occupy Sanity Tool (OST): Gratitude 2.0
I first introduced the OST: Gratitude with a 3 step exercise in my blog post “5 Minutes of Gratitude Attitude Raises Your Vibration”. As I mentioned in that article, I continue to find: “…that a daily Gratitude Practice has improved my ability to move from a negative state into a positive one quickly.” In 2020, there have been times when I needed to ‘turbo-charge’ my practice; thus I’ve created the OST: Gratitude 2.0.
Imagine The Life You Want In 3 Simple Steps
Occupy Sanity Tool (OST): Imagine
“To bring anything into your life, imagine that it’s already there.” ― Richard Bach
As a child, I spent countless hours in my imaginary world, where everything was possible. I suspect many of you did as well.
I would imagine traveling around the world or that I was living on…
The Power Behind Your Smile
I can be happy, and my smile mechanism can be in neutral. But when I smile, which is frequently, it lights up my face and my eyes. Some people appear to be smiling, whether they are happy or not, but a genuine smile is hard to fake.
Find More Power In ‘Surrender’ By Letting Go Of Control
Occupy Sanity Tool (OST): Surrender I'm sitting here writing this in pain. I've decided to pull out my Occupy Sanity Toolbox to find something to help, not with the physical pain, because I've done all I can to reduce/eliminate it. Instead, I'm looking for a tool to...
Valuing The Superpower of Resilience!
Surviving tough times – whether physically, psychologically, or mentally – helps make us resilient. Here are the ingredients I believe make us resilient…
How Making Friends With Your Impatience Increases Your Patience
Occupy Sanity Tool (OST): Patience “Impatience can teach us the lessons of patience better.” ― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I was told from an early age to: Have patience. Be patient. All good things …
Who You Gonna Call?
Remember the song by Ray Parker, Jr. from the movie Ghostbusters and the lyric “Who you gonna call”? It was a great song, and if you read the words carefully, it talked about…
Create The Life You Want Part 5: Apply The Law of Rhythm
Everything in the Universe has a rhythm or cycle to it. The flow of your breath in and out, the ebb and flow of the ocean tides…
How To Adapt And Flow With Life
A couple of weeks ago I watched my computer screen in abject horror attempting to make sense of what I was seeing…
Create The Life You Want Part 4: Apply The Law of Polarity
Everything in the Universe has a duality or set of opposites. Per the Law of Polarity, opposites are identical in nature, but…
5 Easy Steps To Turn The Hamster Wheel of Life Into A Ferris Wheel
Stepping up to the Ferris Wheel of life takes a bit…
The Wisdom Of A Pause For Clarity To Act
I love looking up words in the dictionary. So I had a look at the definition…
Transforming Pain Into Growth
There are many amazing quotes on pain and growth. As I was exploring the ones I share in this article…
5 Steps To Squash Fear In Its Tracks
An unwanted ‘Wake-Up’ call. It’s 3:30 am in the morning. Fear strikes! I’ve been awake for at least…
Why Touch Matters For Our Well-Being
Do you ever find yourself unconsciously petting your dog or cat? It’s comforting. Touch matters…
Pivoting As A Practice to Raise Your Vibration
Occupy Sanity Tool: Pivoting. I have a friend who…
Guest Submissions
Guest Submissions – for Podcast and Blog
We love to showcase guests that inspire, teach, share wisdom, and help us all elevate to a higher level in our personal and spiritual growth.
If you have any interest or know of someone who would be a good fit, please contact us at