Remember the song by Ray Parker, Jr. from the movie Ghostbusters and the lyric “Who you gonna call”? It was a great song, and if you read the words carefully, it talked about the one person you could go to when no other resources were working, and people around you didn’t understand what you were talking about?

I’m a deep thinker and try to stay in alignment with my higher self as much as I can. But there are times I hit a bump in the road or an invisible (to others) wall and need help! (Who you gonna call?!)

Why do we sometimes hesitate to ask for help? Is it pride, fear, or confusion? Do we want to tough it out or pretend the problem doesn’t exist? I used to put myself at the bottom of the priority list and let the problem work itself out or not. That’s not a good policy, by the way.

My method of solving a problem or making a decision is to prepare the way consciously. Preparation may be as simple as shutting everything out and going into meditation or contemplation. Or it may be making a list of pros and cons and then sleeping on it. (Literally, put the paper under your pillow at night and set the intention of having an answer in the morning.)

That works…most of the time. However, there are times when we are working against ourselves and not seeing what is visible. It is at times like this that we have to have another source of support and knowledge. 

Who to Call? “Phone A Friend” 

In the TV game show, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, there was an option to “Phone a Friend” for help. I recently had a real epiphany on the value of being able to reach out to someone near and dear. It wasn’t to win a cash prize – it was to help with a dilemma that was holding me back from achieving my internal goal. 

If you’re curious, the dilemma I’ve been working on is a plan for myself for many years. Something or things seem to be in my way always.

I’ve put this plan on the back burner for so long. The “handle to the pan is about to fall off.” After much introspection, I think a reason and can overcome it and then – before I know it months have passed and I have not taken one step toward the goal. At this point, I say to myself, “What happened to walk my talk?”, “Why am I hesitating?”. I really cannot say why – like not see the forest for the trees – I cannot see what it is that is holding me back. 

Reaching Out

“Who you gonna call?” Well, I turned to my friends – and so can you! Find the person or people you trust the most. Those with whom you can be vulnerable and honest. Those who you can hear. Being able to listen and absorb feedback in this situation is key to change. If your defenses come up, you won’t get far.

In my case, I went to two people. One who I’ve only known a year – I found her to be objective because she doesn’t know me well, but is someone who I admire and can trust. The second person I have known over 30 years! She warned me that I might not like what she had to say. Her fresh take on my situation was incredibly helpful and opened my eyes and heart in so many ways.

With challenge comes growth! I’m ready not to try, but to do what my heart calls me to do. Plus, I have an accountability partner who will hold me to “getting off the dime” as she put it. 

Be That Friend

One last thing. I hope you have someone in your life you can reach out and call when you’re blind to your obstacles. Remember reciprocity and pay it back by being that kind of friend to others.


  1. Sue

    Good advice sweet Ann! 🙂

    • Ann Serrie

      Thank you Sue! You fall into that category of Call a Friend for sure. Remembering Jet:(

  2. Concetta

    Brava, Ann! This is a great reminder to ask our friends to be mirrors for us. Sometimes as introspective & intuitive that I am I cannot effectively problem solve on my own. Every time I’ve consulted a friend the way through the problem is clearer and/or as you noted I’ve grown through the interaction. Namaste! Concetta

    • Ann Serrie

      We all need our network of friends and family! Thank you Concetta!

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