3 Simple Rituals To Start Your Day Every Day

by | Alignment & Flow, blog

Even before building new habits to improve your day, there are some simple rituals to be aware of that start you off on the right foot, and no matter how your day plays out, you feel some sense of joy and accomplishment.

Mine breaks down these three simple things:

Simple Ritual #1: GREET

  • Greet the day with your gratitude, prayer.
  • Greet your loved ones – spouse, partner, pets.
  • Greet your Supreme Being with gratitude.
  • Greet yourself with words of love and affirmation.

I look out my window in the bedroom and see the maple and elm trees breathing into spring. Robins are busy gathering food, and squirrels are running around (to entertain my dogs).
I greet every sentient being.

Simple Ritual #2: MOVE

  • Stretch your beautiful body in bed.
  • Get up slowly and consciously.
  • Stretch and exercise – whatever works for you in the morning, depending on how much time you have. Yoga, running, calisthenics, your gym routine.

My go-to is stretching with energization exercises and then a short walk with my dog before heading out to work.

Simple Ritual #3: DO

  • Do at least one task that starts your accomplishment clock of the day.
  • Make your bed.
  • Do breakfast dishes.
  • Water your plants and greet them in the process.
  • Set the table for dinner * I love this one – it makes me smile when I get home and keeps me from being lazy and going out to eat.
  • If you work at home, turn on your computer or studio so that as soon as you touch one thing, you are working! A simple ritual. Then you decide to continue working or stop.

Meditation can fall under all of these areas, but it is a critical element to setting the tone for a good day. Whether you meditate for 20 minutes or an hour, the payoffs are tangible!

I’d love for you to comment below. What rituals do you start your day with? How have they benefited you? What other ideas do you have to share?


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