Some Days a Simple “To Do” List IS Enough

by | blog, Occupy Sanity | 2 comments

Occupy Sanity Tool: Simplicity

Occupy Sanity Toolbox (OST) ~ For those times when you’re hanging on by your last thread. The OST holds tools to help you Elevate Yourself to a Higher Level and be your Best Self every day.

There are days when I feel overwhelmed and unable to take on one more task or see one more person or I just have ‘too much to do’.

Sometimes the best option is to take a breath and look for simplicity, which for me often means staying in the present moment by engaging my 5 senses.

What can I see, hear, smell, touch, and taste around me? After I do that I can have another look at that ‘too much to do’ list and simplify.

Perhaps I’ll choose to do the 5 things that must be done today. Or perhaps I’ll choose the ones that will enable me to feel accomplished or satisfied by the end of the day…which will definitely help me Rise Up!

What about you? How can you use simplicity as a tool to be your best self? Let me know in the comments below.

Please share this post with others you know who may have an interest. Together, we can help each other Rise Up to our best self, every day!

Stay tuned for more tools to fill up your Occupy Sanity Toolbox.


  1. Lady Isis Cerridwen

    I love the idea ? of making a priority list . It is one of my favorite ways to stay centered and focused in the midst of angst and overwhelm. The most common tool I work with is : I sit or lie still and go into the Silence with in. In the still quiet core of that Silence I receive impressions about the Way forward through the chaos and confusion of everyday life and its Overwhelming challenges.
    Deep within the Silence I am able to hear and know the still small voice of My Higher Self~ Wisdom Self. When I listen to the Voice in the Silence I become calm and centered.

    • Concetta

      Thanks for your insight Lady Isis. I resonate with the idea of getting still and entering the silence. That type of simplicity is so powerful for me. It’s like drinking from my Source…which is, as you said, My Higher Self-Wisdom Self. Coming from that center gives me the power and energy to move easily no matter what else is going on around or in me. Namaste!

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