Ep. 31 – “Simplicity, Clarity, And Mindfulness” – The Power of Being Nobody

by | Healthy Habits (Mind Body), Meaning & Purpose, Meditation & Mindfulness, podcast

An Interview With J.A. Plosker – Award Winning Author, Speaker, Teacher, Podcast Host, And Philosopher

In this interview, J.A. Plosker, co-founder of the Nobody Life concept and community, describes the benefits and necessity of finding our inner “Nobody.” J.A. is a former attorney, social work counselor, and instructor of comparative religion, philosophy, and social work. He is the host of The Nobody Guide to Life podcast and has appeared on many stages, including TEDx. His message and mission are to increase awareness of ancient wisdom and mindfulness to facilitate personal and spiritual growth.

Carol talks with J.A. about how the ‘Nobody’ concept and community came about. They delve into J.A.’s early meditation and mindfulness practices, his interest in ancient philosophy and religion, and his two award-winning books: The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life and his novel, An Audible Silence. J.A. hopes to show that ancient wisdom can offer practical and profound help. He says it doesn’t take years of study; change for good can happen “right now.” He and his wife, Melissa, created the community, Nobody Life, to help spread the message of simplicity, clarity, and mindfulness. 

Show Notes:

  1. Early experiences
  2. The teachers in our lives
  3. Adding tools to our “toolbox” for life
  4. Simple techniques are often the most powerful
  5. Start with what you have
  6. Touchstone of simplicity
  7. The world as a mirror
  8. Messages we receive from silence
  9. We change hearts from our nobody side
  10. Value of asking yourself questions


Social Media:

Website www.nobodylife.com/books
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/nobodylife
Twitter: @nobodysview
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/16632630.J_A_Plosker
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/japlosker/?hl=en


The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life by J.A. Plosker

An Audible Silence by J.A. Plosker

Available at Amazon and from Nobody Life website


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