In this episode, Ecstasy in Everyday Life, we dive deep into the realms of spirituality with the incredible transformative spiritual guide Alara Sage. With over 15 years of experience, Alara shares her profound journey of awakening, from a spontaneous Kundalini Awakening to connecting deeply with her Higher Self. She delves into the wisdom of the womb, the essence of Kundalini Shakti, and the power of surrendering into suffering.
Category: Relationships (Self & Others)
Ep. 80 – Leveraging The Qualities Of Neurodiversity – With Carson Reed
In this interview, Carson Reed shares how leveraging the qualities of his neurodiversity has advanced his career of choice – 3D animation and film. Diagnosed earlier in life with autism spectrum disorder, he has found that his neurodiverse qualities empower him to think differently and have proven to…
Ep. 72 – Strengthening Your Intuition: 2 Powerful Ways & More – With Isabeau Maxwell
Intuition, spiritual mediums, and psychic experiences were the last things on Isabeau “Beau” Maxwell’s mind until a life-changing event triggered a profound personal experience. As an intuitive coach, facilitator, and energy worker, internationally known medium, and author, she is the developer of the award-winning SAGE Method and creator of the SAGE Circle Community.
Ep. 71 – Living In The Freedom Of The Present Moment- With Indra Rinzler
Indra Rinzler is a lifetime spiritual seeker, healer, teacher, and mentor who lives in the freedom of the present moment. He offers life readings for clients using Vedic Astrology and the Enneagram of Personality. Indra’s been studying astrology for fifty years and the Enneagram since 1999. In this interview, Indra shares with Carol his life journey and why it is his mission to help his clients to wake up to who they really are.
Ep. 70 “Living In A World Of Inner Magic” – With Timothy Stuetz
Using Fairy Tales, Ancient Arts, Sacred Sciences, and EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN, Timothy empowers people of all ages to develop and use their infinite soul powers to achieve their full potential and “live in a world of inner magic”.
Ep. 68 – “Peace Within, Peace On Earth” – With Kate Heartsong
In this interview, Kate Heartsong shares how she empowers others to realize that as they better themselves and create inner peace, they also support creating peace worldwide. Carol finds out more about Kate’s passion for “empowering people to realize their brilliance and greatness and help ignite their potential.” She shares the early influences from which she evolved to being the coach she is today.
Ep. 67 – Tai Chi & Qi Gong -Navigating The Scars Of Loss and Trauma – With Sifu Rubia
Sifu Rubia discovered the benefits of the ancient healing arts of Tai Chi and Qi Gong as a way to navigate the scars of loss and trauma. An orphan born in Bangladesh, she experienced abandonment early in life, creating intense anxiety in her body and mind. Later in life, the traumatic loss of a miscarriage brought her to her first Qi Gong class.
Ep. 66 – Somatic Healing & 13 Tools For Emotional Breakthroughs – With James Mayfield
James Mayfield is a Somatic Healing Coach and BreakThrough Facilitator. He is the founder of and creator of Somatic BreakThough Facilitation, which is a synthesis of body and feelings-based facilitation along with inner parts work. In this interview, James shares his life history and personal initiations that have made him ideally suited to support others’ emotional healing.
Ep. 57 – Turn Your “Money Monster” Into A “Money Honey” – With Morgana Rae
Join us in this interview with Morgana Rae, money relationship expert and 20-time international #1 best-selling author of Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation. She is regarded as the world’s #1 authority on the relationship with money. In this episode, she describes her frustrating early experiences with money due to her “superpowers of money revulsion.”