by carol chapman | Dec 30, 2018 | blog, Uncategorized
Rather than a New Year’s Resolution for 2019, why not create a powerful new morning ritual to start every day in the New Year in a better way. Merriam Webster defines ritual as an “act or series of acts regularly repeated in a set precise manner”. Rituals are habits...by carol chapman | Dec 21, 2018 | blog
Winter Solstice 2018 occurs at 5:23 p.m. EST on Friday, December 21 in the Northern Hemisphere. In this hemisphere, it has the longest hours of darkness signifying the rebirth of the sun and is perceived as a powerful time for renewal, regeneration, and personal...“Access Your Inner Wisdom” – Harness the power of your intuitive guidance with a 21-day journal and guided meditation with music composed in a deep meditative state so that you can enter that same state quickly too.
Take your time. There’s no rush to figure things out. You don’t need to think your way through things. Instead, feel your way through to what you need to know and breathe.
Tune into the idea of feeling good about the process of life, of unfoldment, of the Universe, inviting your consciousness to open and expand. Just be with it and feel the good flow to you.
Perspective and unfoldment occur through feeling. Universal consciousness is the unmoved mover. It’s a view that’s only understood when you stand in your Higher Self.
With love,
Your Higher Self
The current is already guiding you, flow with it. When you flow with it, you are at one with the current of manifestation. You do not need to make things happen; all you need to do is flow with it because the current knows where you need to go.
When you think that you know more than the current, it’s your ego trying to take the oar of control and resist the current. Do not surrender the oar to the ego. Instead, surrender to the current. Allow the current to guide you. It will make things happen for you.
With love,
Your Higher Self
Do not get caught up in what others think. You can never please everyone, but you can please yourself. The day you stop thinking about what others think is the day, you can indeed be free and live life on your terms. That’s when you’re entirely free to live your purpose.
So, relax into caring enough not to care. Babies don’t care what people think. So why should you? It’s ok not to care. Shift your perspective. Surrender to it. And you will indeed be free.
With love,
Your Higher Self
Real passion is combustible, a heat of enough intensity to ignite your heart, and contagious enough to trigger a ripple effect of hearts ablaze in others.
Whatever you have a passion for, it’s calling from your soul, the inner-most eternal essence of your very being. When burning love for something finds its way into your heart, do not try to contain it. Unleash it. Express it. Refine it.
Allow this heartfelt passion to propel you forward and channel your energies in positive and constructive ways. It’s the fuel that keeps you striving toward a better you and a better world.
And whenever you focus on something you’re genuinely passionate about, the Universe focuses on it too. It doesn’t question what you do or don’t want; it only responds to the energetic flame that ignites the passion.
With love,
Your Higher Self
Always constructing whether consciously or unconsciously. You create your world through the thoughts that you allow to pass from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind.
Now is the time to take responsibility for everything you create in your life. Which do you prefer? To create a life by design or by default? I thought so.
Time to be laser-focused on what you want and be very intentional. The world responds to your inner thoughts. You create your reality.
Take control of your life by being the Architect of your world. Are you ready to create a great Masterpiece?
With love,
Your Higher Self
Life is constantly changing from moment to moment, moving through and with you in every instance. When you take a moment to stop, be still, and breathe, you can more easily embrace your connection to the Universe and the essence of your divine sacred nature. This connection goes beyond space and time and is ever present in the stillness of each moment.
This week, take a few moments to notice and feel the in-breath and out-breath as frequently as you can daily. Feel your awareness expand and become more acute as the electromagnet current of the Universe (your breath) flows through your entire being.
This practice will help you stay connected to your essence. It’s sacred.
With love,
Your Higher Self